Inspiring Presentation Award

A while back – December 2011 – I had the chance to speak at the UKOUG 2011 Conference in 2011.

It was a great experience to visit that Conference for the first time and meet so many people there. The audience was really great and the parties were awesome!

The two Presentations I gave must have impressed someone, because a year later i received this wonderful award from UKOUG.

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend the UKOUG Conference in 2012, but I’ll be back in 2013. Promise !

Thanks again UKOUG, this Award will get a special Place in our new Office!

I’d like to take this opportunity and recommend giving presentations to everyone. Get out there and tell the world what interesting Project you worked on, or what fascinating things you discovered. Help others by sharing your experience.
It is a very good way to give back to the community, and it also helps yourself become a better developer and get more insight and experience.

There are many conferences and user-groups out there. Start by getting in touch with your local user-group and see if you can participate in one of their next events.

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