Differences between Oracle APEX 4.1.1 and 4.2

Having used Oracle APEX since its first appearance on the Early Adopter Platform I finally got my hands on the real thing and installed in on my test-system.

This Post tries to give you a summary of the big changes in Oracle APEX 4.2 (compared to 4.1.1) from a datamodel/view/API Point of view.

If you are coming from APEX 4.0 (or older) read the Posts about the differences in Oracle APEX 4.1 and the Patchset 4.1.1 at first.

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What’s new in Oracle APEX 4.1? – from the inside

We all read the blogpostings about what features were added in Oracle APEX 4.1, like the ones here, here, here and here.

But what does that mean on a more technical level? Which Views have changed, which API’s have changed?

Inspired by the Webinar over here I thought i’ll give the redgate Schema Compare Tool a try.

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