When installing Oracle APEX you also get a wealth of additional resources to explore: Packaged Applications.
I’m sure everyone already looked at one or two of them. But honestly, it is a bit cumbersome to install them, when upgrading APEX version we often forget to re-install the packaged apps.
And so we waste a unique opportunity to learn from all those 30+ Packaged applications. Each of them has something to offer. This might be a plugin, an interesting idea how to present data, a nifty UI, or it might even solve a business problem
With APEX 18.1 we finally have a documented API to install Packaged Applications from SQL (Plus or Developer): APEX_PKG_APP_INSTALL
Please note that this package already exists in APEX 5.1, but is not documented there.
With that simple API, we can craft a script to install all not yet installed Packaged Applications:
DECLARE l_installed_app_id NUMBER; l_workspace VARCHAR2(200) := 'MYWORKSPACE'; BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Installing Packaged Apps in Workspace '||l_workspace); -- APEX_UTIL.SET_WORKSPACE(l_workspace); -- FOR cAPP IN ( SELECT PKG_APP_ID , PKG_APP_NAME FROM APEX_PKG_APPS WHERE PKG_APP_TYPE = 'Database' AND APPLICATION_ID IS NULL AND WORKSPACE = l_workspace ORDER BY PKG_APP_ID ) LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Install Packaged App: '||cAPP.PKG_APP_ID); BEGIN l_installed_app_id := APEX_PKG_APP_INSTALL.INSTALL ( p_app_id => cAPP.PKG_APP_ID , p_authentication_type => APEX_AUTHENTICATION.C_TYPE_APEX_ACCOUNTS , p_schema => l_workspace ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( 'Installing Packaged App: '||cAPP.PKG_APP_ID||' failed!'||CHR(10)|| SQLERRM||' - '||DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE ); END; END LOOP; END;
Simple as that. Review the log afterwards to find out which Packaged Applications couldn’t be installed and run them manually.
Then pick a weekend to review all apps :-)
I don’t suppose you know how to nominate the application ID it uses?