Oracle APEX 4.1 – Early Adopter

On Friday 06.05.2011 the APEX Development Team had a Surprise for us: they published the first Early Adopter Version of Oracle APEX 4.1

See the posts of Joel Kallman and David Peake.

On you can Sign up for a Workspace test drive the new Release.

All new Features are described on .

The most important improvements:

  • real Error handling
  • better support for Validitions and Processes for Tabular Forms
  • choice to use ROWID for Tabellen with large natural Primary Key
  • Plugins for AuthenticationAuthorization Schemes

Go test it and give feedback to the APEX Team. The more Feedback they get, the quicker they can bugfix and release the RC 4.1

Patrick: thanks for the Errorhandling, waited a long time for it :-)

2 thoughts on “Oracle APEX 4.1 – Early Adopter

  1. Hi Chris,

    thanks for clearing that one up. Of course it should read “Authorization Scheme”. I’ll go and fix it in the posting as well.

    Also good to see that you started blogging again!

    Thanks for APEX 4.1 and keep up the good work.

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