human readable URLs in Oracle APEX – Part 2

In the first part of this Blogpost Series we touched some fundamentals and finally listed some options. If you haven’t read it, yet, please do now before continuing here.

The last post ended with me saying I found a way for hrURLs that works with APEX Listener, mod_plsql and EPG.

I haven’t tested the Thoth Gateway, but based on the documentation I’d say it works as well as the mod_plsql way.

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hrURL – human readable URLs in Oracle APEX

Searching the APEX Forum for nice URLs is as old as Oracle APEX itself, so far without much luck. There is magic switch that forces APEX to create readable URLs.

As part of preparing my Presentation “Going Public” for Kscope 2014 in Seattle, I investigated the available methods on providing readable URLs and found some good ones.

You can check this public APEX website to see how good URLs can look like:

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