Today a very important Page of an important APEX Application has accidentially been deleted. We didn’t want to step back to yesterdays backup, because right before the deletion many changes took place and we didn’t want to code that again.
Oracle APEX includes the realy nice feature of exporting an Application “As of x minutes ago”.
But there is also a dialog where you can export a single page, without the whole application overhead:
But this dialog lists only currently existing Pages and doesn’t include our deleted Page.
Firebug to the rescue we manipulate the HTML-Code of the Page-Select-List and add our deleted Page 99 which then exports easily “As of 30 minutes ago”.
1. Use Firebugs “Inspect Element” on the Page-Select-List
2. Edit the HTML and insert a new <option>
3. pick the newly added entry from the select-list, enter 30 as number of minutes and press the export button
4. go to the import menu and import the Page-Export File.
That’s all.
Life can be sooo easy using the right tools :-)
Hi Peter,
what a smart idea. Thanks for sharing this. I guess I will need some day. :)
Nice use of Firebug and flashback. I added the export as-of feature to apex back in the day. It’s not perfect, but better than nothing. Here’s a different twist on your technique using SQL Developer. Each has it’s advantages:
Hi Tyler,
thanks for reminding me of that post, another great use of tools!
That post just saved me hours of work.
Thank you!!!
Hi Peter,
Thanks a lot, you will not believe this, I just deleted, accidentally, a page that I have being working on for more than two days. I used your trick and did the work perfectly.
Pingback: Recover a deleted APEX page or application « APEXPLAINED
Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am really impressed from your logic. I am trainee in apex and i had deleted one important page accidentally. So by using this trick i can rollback it.
Thanks again from bottom of my heart
My girlfriend’s gonna bake you a cake!!
You saved our weekend.
Many thanks.
Chocolate, please :-)
Wow, what a great trick. you saved the day, THANKS!!!
not working for me. After importing iam getting error as follows
Contact your application administrator.
Error ERR-1016 Application “102” Page “4” not found (requested language=”en”)
Are you trying to import the page into the same application you exported it from? Same System, same workspace, …?
Oh thanks! This saved me hours of work recreating a page from scratch!
thanks a million this really helped :-)
Pingback: Recovering a deleted page in APEX | Oracle Developer Tools and Thoughts
Someone please give this guy a beer! Thank you very much Peter. You saved me a couple of hours of unnecessary recovery time!
Que puto genio!!!!
Fantastic! Saved my day :-)