ApexLib Schema Export Tool

Do you know this: You just wanted to try something out and after a couple hours playing around with APEX you already have a pretty good application.

Problem is, you experimented on a demo-workspace or on apex.oracle.com and now want to move everything to your own personal development workspace.

And now there are you, hassling around with DDL exports, trying to get your testdata and merge it all together in one install script.

Rescue is near: the very first Tool in the ApexLib Tools Series: ApexLib Schema Export .

This is a one-click-export Tool. All you need to do is install this small APEX Application in your workspace, run it and press the “Export” button.

You’ll end up with a single Export-File containing all of your datamodel, all data and your APEX application.

Then you take this script and execute it in your target schema/workspace. It’ll create all tables, views, whatever, fill in your data and install the APEX application(s).

Important: This Tool is targeted to the smaller applications. If you try it on a big workspace containing lots of tables, lots of data and multiple applications, the export may get too big and break.

But it’s ideal to move your workspace from http://apex.oracle.com to your local development instance.

Read the (short) documentation and download it.

14 thoughts on “ApexLib Schema Export Tool

  1. Hi Peter,

    really good idea.

    Whenever I tried creating installable applications I always needed a couple of hours/days getting them running.

    Best regards,


  2. Tried this on a hosted instance of APEX 4.x and it crashed looking for a table…. Any suggestions?

  3. ORA-06592: CASE not found while executing CASE statement
    Error installing plug-in.

    when i try to import this plugin i get the above error..

  4. Error is below.. Does NOT give table name…

    ORA-06550: line 4, column 994: PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist ORA-06550: line 4, column 27: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 7, column 52: PLS-00364: loop index variable ‘RDATA’ use is invalid ORA-06550: line 7, column 16: PL/SQL: Statement ignored

    Error Error exporting the Application: ORA-06550: line 4, column 994: PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist ORA-06550: line 4, column 27: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 7, column 52: PLS-00364: loop index variable ‘RDATA’ use is invalid ORA-06550: line 7, column 16: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    ‘APEXLIB_SCHEMA_EXPORT’ ORDER BY TABLE_NAME ) LOOP — get INSERT statements for table vData := vData||CHR(10)||generateInsertStatements(pSchemaName,rTAB.TABLE_NAME); END LOOP; — RETURN vData; — END generateInsertStatements; — –============================================================================== — Sets the Parameters for DBMS_METADATA. This controls whether additional Info — like Tablespace, Storage, Segment Attributes and so on is generated –============================================================================== PROCEDURE setMetadataParameters ( pHandle IN NUMBER , pSchemaName IN VARCHAR2 , pObjectType IN VARCHAR2 , pShowStorage IN BOOLEAN := FALSE , pShowTablespace IN BOOLEAN := FALSE , pShowSegmentAttributes IN BOOLEAN := FALSE ) IS vModifyHandle NUMBER; vDdlHandle NUMBER; BEGIN — — get Handle to modify some stuff vModifyHandle := DBMS_METADATA.Add_Transform(pHandle, ‘MODIFY’); — — tell Output to remove Schema Name (set it to NULL) DBMS_METADATA.Set_Remap_Param(vModifyHandle, ‘REMAP_SCHEMA’, pSchemaName, NULL); — — Einstellungen für das DDL vDdlHandle := DBMS_METADATA.Add_Transform(pHandle, ‘DDL’); — IF pObjectType IN (‘TABLE’,’INDEX’,’CONSTRAINT’) THEN DBMS_METADATA.Set_Transform_Param(vDdlHandle, ‘TABLESPACE’, pShowTablespace); DBMS_METADATA.Set_Transform_Param(vDdlHandle, ‘STORAGE’, pShowStorage); DBMS_METADATA.Set_Transform_Param(vDdlHandle, ‘SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTES’, pShowSegmentAttributes); END IF; — IF pObjectType IN (‘TABLE’) THEN DBMS_METADATA.Set_Transform_Param(vDdlHandle, ‘REF_CONSTRAINTS’, FALSE); END IF; — DBMS_METADATA.Set_Transform_Param(vDdlHandle, ‘SQLTERMINATOR’, TRUE); — END setMetadataParameters; — –============================================================================== — Returns DDL Statements for all objects of given object type. — pExcludeObjectList should look like this: ‘EMP, DEPT, MYTABLE’ –============================================================================== FUNCTION generateDDLStatements ( pSchemaName IN VARCHAR2 , pObjectType IN VARCHAR2 , pExcludeObjectList IN VARCHAR2 := NULL ) RETURN CLOB IS vHandle NUMBER; vResultArray SYS.ku$_ddls; vResultClob CLOB; BEGIN vHandle := DBMS_METADATA.Open(pObjectType); — — set general parameters for Metadata API setMetadataParameters ( pHandle => vHandle , pSchemaName => pSchemaName , pObjectType => pObjectType , pShowStorage => FALSE , pShowTablespace => FALSE , pShowSegmentAttributes => FALSE ); — — which objects should not be exported? /* IF pExcludeObjectList IS NOT NULL THEN — assume we get a string having tablenames to be excluded like this: ‘EMP, DEPT’ — we need to get rid of the whitespaces and add single quotes around each table name DBMS_METADATA.Set_Filter(vHandle, ‘EXCLUDE_NAME_EXPR’, ‘IN (”’||REPLACE(REPLACE(pExcludeObjectList,’ ‘),’,’,”’,”’)||”’)’); END IF; */ — IF pObjectType = ‘TABLE’ THEN DBMS_METADATA.Set_Filter(vHandle, ‘EXCLUDE_NAME_EXPR’, ‘IN (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM USER_TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME LIKE ”APEX$_%” UNION SELECT ”APEXLIB_SCHEMA_EXPORT” FROM DUAL)’); END IF; — IF pObjectType NOT IN (‘VIEW’,’INDEXTYPE’,’SEQUENCE’,’TYPE’,’PACKAGE’,’FUNCTION’,’PROCEDURE’) THEN DBMS_METADATA.Set_Filter(vHandle, ‘EXCLUDE_BASE_OBJECT_NAME_EXPR’, ‘LIKE ”APEX$_%”’); END IF; — vResultClob := RPAD(‘-‘,80,’-‘)||CHR(10)|| ‘– Object Type ‘||pObjectType||CHR(10)|| RPAD(‘-‘,80,’-‘); — — get created DDL Statements LOOP vResultArray := dbms_metadata.fetch_ddl(vHandle); EXIT WHEN vResultArray IS NULL; — vResultClob := vResultClob||CHR(10)||vResultArray(1).ddltext; — IF vResultArray.EXISTS(2) THEN vResultClob := vResultClob||CHR(10)||vResultArray(2).ddltext; END IF; END LOOP; — — thats it, close up and release handle dbms_metadata.close(vHandle); — — return DDL Statements as CLOB return vResultClob; — END generateDDLStatements; — –============================================================================== — exports all APEX Applications associated to the current schema –============================================================================== FUNCTION exportAllApplications RETURN CLOB IS vApexApp CLOB; vSecurityGroupId NUMBER; BEGIN — vApexApp := RPAD(‘-‘,80,’-‘)||CHR(10)|| ‘– APEX Exports ‘||CHR(10)|| RPAD(‘-‘,80,’-‘); — — get current workspace id SELECT MIN(WORKSPACE_ID) INTO vSecurityGroupId FROM APEX_WORKSPACES ; — — get all applications FOR rAPP IN ( SELECT APPLICATION_ID FROM APEX_APPLICATIONS WHERE APPLICATION_NAME ‘ApexLib Schema Export’ ORDER BY APPLICATION_ID ) LOOP — get Apex Application Export vApexApp := vApexApp||CHR(10)|| REPLACE ( WWV_FLOW_UTILITIES.export_application_to_clob(rApp.APPLICATION_ID,’Y’) , ‘wwv_flow_api.set_security_group_id(p_security_group_id=>’||LTRIM(vSecurityGroupId)||’);’ , ‘DECLARE’||CHR(10)|| ‘ vSecurityGroupId NUMBER;’||CHR(10)|| ‘BEGIN’||CHR(10)|| ‘ SELECT MIN(WORKSPACE_ID) INTO vSecurityGroupId FROM APEX_WORKSPACES;’||CHR(10)|| ‘ wwv_flow_api.set_security_group_id(p_security_group_id=>vSecurityGroupId);’||CHR(10)|| ‘END;’ ); END LOOP; — RETURN vApexApp; — END exportAllApplications; — –============================================================================== — Extracts all DDL Statements (Table, View, Trigger, Package, …) and all — DATA (in Form of INSERT Statements) as well as all APEX Applications — associated with the given (current) Schema. — All Statements are returned in a CLOB. –============================================================================== FUNCTION backupSchema ( pSchemaName IN VARCHAR2 , pExportMode IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN CLOB IS vTableDDL CLOB; vData CLOB; vOtherDDL CLOB; vApexApp CLOB; BEGIN — get CREATE TABLE statements IF INSTR(pExportMode,’DDL’) > 0 THEN vTableDDL := generateDDLStatements(pSchemaName,’TABLE’); END IF; — — get INSERT INTO table statements IF INSTR(pExportMode,’DATA’) > 0 THEN vData := generateInsertStatements(pSchemaName); END IF; — — get DDL statements for all object types except tables IF INSTR(pExportMode,’DDL’) > 0 THEN vOtherDDL := generateDDLStatements(pSchemaName,’VIEW’) ||CHR(10)|| generateDDLStatements(pSchemaName,’INDEX’) ||CHR(10)|| generateDDLStatements(pSchemaName,’INDEXTYPE’) ||CHR(10)|| generateDDLStatements(pSchemaName,’CONSTRAINT’) ||CHR(10)|| generateDDLStatements(pSchemaName,’REF_CONSTRAINT’)||CHR(10)|| generateDDLStatements(pSchemaName,’TRIGGER’) ||CHR(10)|| generateDDLStatements(pSchemaName,’SEQUENCE’) ||CHR(10)|| generateDDLStatements(pSchemaName,’TYPE’) ||CHR(10)|| generateDDLStatements(pSchemaName,’FUNCTION’) ||CHR(10)|| generateDDLStatements(pSchemaName,’PROCEDURE’) ||CHR(10)|| generateDDLStatements(pSchemaName,’PACKAGE’) ; END IF; — — get all APEX Applications associated to the current schema IF INSTR(pExportMode,’APEX’) > 0 THEN vApexApp := exportAllApplications; END IF; — RETURN ‘SET DEFINE OFF’||CHR(10)||vTableDDL||CHR(10)||vData||CHR(10)||vOtherDDL||CHR(10)||vApexApp; — END backupSchema; — — –============================================================================== — calls backupSchema and converts result to a BLOB –============================================================================== FUNCTION exportToBlob ( pSchemaName IN VARCHAR2 , pExportMode IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN BLOB IS vClob CLOB; vBlob BLOB; vSize NUMBER; vDestOffset NUMBER := 1; vSrcOffset NUMBER := 1; vAmount INTEGER := DBMS_LOB.LOBMAXSIZE; vBlobCsid NUMBER := DBMS_LOB.DEFAULT_CSID; vLangCtx INTEGER := DBMS_LOB.DEFAULT_LANG_CTX; vWarning INTEGER; BEGIN vClob := backupSchema(pSchemaName,pExportMode); — DBMS_LOB.CreateTemporary(vBlob,FALSE,2); — vAmount := DBMS_LOB.getLength(vClob); — DBMS_LOB.convertToBlob ( dest_lob => vBlob , src_clob => vClob , amount => vAmount , dest_offset => vDestOffset , src_offset => vSrcOffset , blob_csid => vBlobCsid , lang_context => vLangCtx , warning => vWarning ); — RETURN vBlob; — END exportToBlob; — BEGIN — get the Schema Export vBlob := exportToBlob(SYS_CONTEXT(‘USERENV’,’CURRENT_SCHEMA’),V(‘P1_EXPORT_MODE’)); — DELETE APEXLIB_SCHEMA_EXPORT; — INSERT INTO APEXLIB_SCHEMA_EXPORT ( CREATION_DATE , EXPORT_BLOB ) VALUES ( SYSDATE , vBlob ); END;–>

  5. Peter,

    Sorry to bother you, I downloaded the file, and imported it into apex.oracle.com as an application but when I try to run it, I receive the following error:

    ORA-06550: line 4, column 35: PL/SQL: ORA-00936: missing expression ORA-06550: line 4, column 27: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    Error Error exporting the Application: ORA-06550: line 4, column 35: PL/SQL: ORA-00936: missing expression ORA-06550: line 4, column 27: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored

    Any suggestions?


  6. Hi,

    I’m also having trouble exporting using this application on apex.oracle.com. I did install the application with supported objects, which, as far as I can tell, is only a table named APEXLIB_SCHEMA_EXPORT. I have confirmed it is in place.

    This only occurs when selecting “Data” as an export option.

    Thanks for your assistance,


    ORA-06550: line 4, column 1379: PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist ORA-06550: line 4, column 27: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 7, column 52: PLS-00364: loop index variable ‘RDATA’ use is invalid ORA-06550: line 7, column 16: PL/SQL: Statement ignored

    Error exporting the Application: ORA-06550: line 4, column 1379: PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist ORA-06550: line 4, column 27: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 7, column 52: PLS-00364: loop index variable ‘RDATA’ use is invalid ORA-06550: line 7, column 16: PL/SQL: Statement ignored

  7. Hi Peter,

    I´m getting this error trying to export only data:

    Error Error exporting the Application: ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long
    ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long


    Apex 4.1.1 – Oracle DB

  8. Hi Jose,

    that can happen when you have many tables or tables with a lot of columns.

    Does that happen in your environment or on a hosted instance (e.g. apex.oracle.com) ?

  9. Hello sir,

    I have created two tables Employee_mst
    Structure of table Enployee_mst
    Emp_id (primary key)
    department (foreign key) references DEPTMST(dept_code)

    The structure of table is DEPTMST
    DEPT_CODE(Primary key)

    On the basis of these two table i have created two forms
    Form1 is Employee registration from
    in which department column is a LOV which got updated whenever a new department get inserted in depertment_master form which is based on dept_mst table.

    Now I wnat to create a report (department wise employee)
    For which i followed following steps
    step 1: created a blank page named deparment wise employee report page no:2
    step 2: I created a region of HTML type whose title is search
    step3 : I created another region on same page of report type whose title id department wise employee &P2_TEXT
    query for report is:

    WHERE DEPARTMENT=decode(:P2_DEPT,’%null%’,department,:P2_DEPT)
    step4: i created a item select list ,item name is P2_DEPT. this list is coming from dynamic LOV dept_search query for this is
    select dept_name d,dept_code r
    from deptmst
    order by 1

    now when i am running this page it is giving error
    ORA-06592 case not found while page rendering

    Please tell me where i am wrong


  10. This is only for local development right? It cant be used on web oracle apex?

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