Speeding up APEX Static Application and Workspace Files

A few years ago it was deemed state-of-the-art to store any kind of extra resources (images, css/js-files) directly on the webserver.

Of course this was just the best-practice, left with many who were not able to follow because of company restrictions: no access to web server, not allowed to store files, too many regulations, and so on.

Luckily APEX 5++ gave us nicely working Static Application Files and Static Workspace Files. Now everyone is using those to store extra files.

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APEX Developer Addon broken in Chrome 27

With Chrome Version 27 a security bug in the browser was fixed which caused the APEX Developer Addon to break.

Thanks to all sending me a reply about that, i’m currently working on a fix and hope to be able to provide that soon.

In the meantime please stay calm and use Firefox instead.

P.S.: no, the APEX Developer Addon didn’t exploit a security hole. It is just an unhappy coincidence that fixing one security problem broke our extension.

Further improvements for the APEX Application Builder

I just released a new Version of the ApexLib APEX Developer Addon, a great tool that brings more features and functionality to your APEX Application Builder without installing anything in your Database.

It is a simple Addon for Firefox and Chrome Browsers, and can be installed in a few easy steps.

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Update on XLIFF 1.2 Tool for Oracle APEX

It’s been a long while since i blogged about a Tool i started to write which would replace the original APEX XLIFF Export and produce XLIFF 1.2 compliant Files instead.

The Benefit is breathtaking, suddenly your Translators are able to know what they are translating – that means where the text they are working on is used. e.g. on the Action-Button in Region XY on Page 234.

This can help your Translators delivering better and more meaningful Translations.

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