Since Version 4.1 of Oracle APEX – with it’s changed Error Handling – ApexLib didn’t work anymore. The changes in Oracle APEX 4.1 lead to compilation errors in APEXLIB_ERROR-Package.
Tag Archives: ApexLib
Create better XLIFF Files for Oracle APEX Translations
One of the many good things about Oracle APEX is the builtin capability to create multilingual Applications. It gives you a set of tools to translate your Application and provide it in multiple languages at the same time.
One of the Key Components of this Translation Mechanism is the creation of an XLIFF File. This File contains all text strings of your Application (that is all your UI Strings, not your Data) and from which to which language it should be translated.
Plugin: Location Map Image
A couple of weeks i introduced a Plugin which helps the user to enter a postal address in an APEX Form.
Now i present a Plugin which lets you display an already stored address or location coordinates in a very simple and fast loading Google Map Image (png). Continue reading
Enhance the APEX 4.0 Search Box
Oracle APEX 4.0 brought us a “Search Application” functionality which helps really a lot.
Not only can you search there for strings in your application code, you also can enter an page-id and jump directly to the page.
This is so good, that i thought i go a little further and improve it even more. Continue reading
Plugin: Item Button with redirect
Recently i had to create a Button among Page Items which should execute a Javascript function.
Sounds easy, but standard Page Item Buttons always submit the Page, which isn’t what i wanted.
So i created this little Plugin…. Continue reading
Plugin: Address validation and display map
Sometimes you want a user to enter an address which later on can be used to display it on a map. Now you want to make sure, that the user sees what the the map will look like and where his entered address is shown on the map.
This comes in very handy for those users who always seems to forget to enter the whole address.
Plugin: resizeable Textarea (remembers Size)
When that little box on that web form you need to fill in is simply too small to show all your information at once, you wish to make the box bigger.
Some browsers let you change the size of text-boxes (textarea), others don’t. So if the programmer of that page doesn’t give the textarea some javascript to be resizeable you are stuck with the given size.
Recreate lost APEX Translations
A couple of days ago i got an emergency call from someone who attended my presentation at DOAG 2010 about APEX Translations.
Apparently they deleted (by accident) their APEX Translations (which reside in WWV_FLOW_TRANSLATABLE_TEXT$) and have neither a DB-Backup of this table nor a Backup of the XLIFF Files. Continue reading
ApexLib bugfixing and announce special version for APEX 4.0
Important things first: i just uploaded ApexLib Framwork 2.1.3, which is a minor bugfixing release.
Biggest thing in there is a bugfix regarding Hotkeys for Buttons. Under certain circumstances the button was triggered twice, which shouldn’t happen anymore.
APEX 4.0 Available Updates
One of the smaller but really helpful and cool features of Oracle APEX 4.0 is the Available Updates Section.
Yesterday the Patchset APEX was released and today i can see it in my APEX Builder. Continue reading