Important things first: i just uploaded ApexLib Framwork 2.1.3, which is a minor bugfixing release.
Biggest thing in there is a bugfix regarding Hotkeys for Buttons. Under certain circumstances the button was triggered twice, which shouldn’t happen anymore.
The last months were very eventful, in may i founded click-click IT Solutions and had a very good start with it. But selling projects on the one side and coding them on the other side takes a lot of time :-)
Conferences, Workshops and international customers will push me up to frequent flyer status in no time (which hopefully will buy me some business-class upgrades…).
In the little time between all these activities i searched for a new and bigger office, since i’m planning on taking new partners on board this year. What i found is a cool old (small) penthouse apartment with terrace and a great view which should be ready renovated and turned into an office in a couple of weeks, pictures will follow.
Enough of all the personal stuff, you visited this blog to get some updates on the ApexLib Framwork, i guess :-)
Future of ApexLib Framework
Today (September 29, 2010) i uploaded ApexLib Framwork 2.1.3, which contains some smaller bugfixes, but no new features.
This will be the last version running on all APEX Versions out there (3.x and 4.0), the following major release of ApexLib Framework will target special needs in APEX 4.0.
Be prepared to get better support for Tabular Forms in APEX 4.0 and some nice interactive stuff.
This upcoming release won’t work with APEX 3.x anymore, just APEX 4.0 will be supported. I try to put a big warning sign on the download side, so that you don’t install the a wrong Version in your “old” APEX environment.
Now is still time to request special features. What do you want to see in the next release of ApexLib Framework? Anything in APEX 4.0 that really bugs you and want to be fixed by ApexLib?
Post a comment or send a mail.