Change color of List Divider in mobile APEX Applications

This is a quick one, if you have followed my other mobile blog posts.

When creating the mobile guide to the AOUG Conference 2013 (taking place June 17 and 18 in a historic Brewery in Vienna, Austria), i found myself creating a new theme using the themeroller, but still not getting the perfect result i wanted.

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get the Developer Toolbar back for mobile APEX Applications

When developing mobile applications with APEX 4.2 you’ll find the developer toolbar on the page bottom is missing.

This can be a little bit annoying when investigating misbehaving applications. Oracle recognizes this as Issue 14749955 with the workaround to access the toolbar functions through a desktop page…

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Improve the APEX mobile Theme

I finally can start on a new mobile Application, for the first time using Oracle APEX 4.2.1 for a productive mobile App.

All my other mobile Applications have been built with previous Versions of APEX and my self made themes.

So apologies for writing that blogpost so late. But better late than never, right?

If you already developed some mobile Apps with APEX 4.2 you might have found the offered functionalities and templates a good start, but still with room for improvement.

So here are my ideas, maybe one or two things are picked up by the APEX Dev team and included in 4.2.2
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Follow Up to APEX for Mobile Development Webinar

Two weeks ago my Webinar on APEX for Mobile Phones took place with many interested attendees. If you missed the webinar, you can view the recording over here.

With this post i give you a listing of links to all ressources mentioned in the webinar, as well as some F.A.Q. regarding mobile on APEX.

There will also be information on a 1-day training on mobile Applications with Oracle APEX, given by me in Oct 2011.

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