The Oracle APEX Reverse Proxy Guide using NGINX

Just recently I talked about changing the /ords URL to something else, now I want to show another way to manipulate the URL.

I always disliked deploying multiple ORDS instances, just to provide different paths to the same DB. This happened out of legacy or SEO purposes so far.

Now let’s set up a simple reverse proxy to achieve any URL structure you want for your APEX server.

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Deploy ORDS on tomcat in a subdirectory

Usually ORDS is deployed on Tomcat simply as /ords, right?

What do you do, if you want a different name than ords, let’s say you would like to see “bruce” in the URL? Simple solution: just rename ords.war to bruce.war before deploying to Tomcat.

But what if you want to have “mod/plsql“, as in http://myserver.tld:8080/mod/plsql ?

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Behind the scenes of an all APEX organized conference

Recently we held the very first edition of the “APEX Alpe Adria” conference in Graz, Austria (see this old post about how it started). This conference is meant for everyone in the Adriatic Region, and everyone willing to travel there.

With more than 180 attendees it was a huge success for the first edition. Today I want to share how we managed the conference, website, call for papers, selection, name tags, and so on.
Hint: With Oracle APEX you can do just about everything.

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